Daniel Bennett Daniel Bennett

Some things are just out of your hands

My 2024 photography journey wasn’t the start to the year I had hoped for heading out to Castlerigg stone circle only to struggle for compositions, never the less my plan was to get out on the 1st day of the year regardless of any images, just been in the lake district was as always a treat.

So as the winter weather had well and truly set in, short dark days and storm after storm battering the region heading out wasn’t an option due to the risks been on 2 wheels. So as the days turned into weeks my inspiration was taking a hit so I turned to refining my editing , researching tirelessly day in day out.

Then my ( I use this term loosely ) “My trusted 2 wheels” fell foul to an electrical fault so after several visits to the garage, with new electrical wiring and new break pads I should be reunited in the coming days. My mode of transport with be pivotal in the coming weeks and months as I have several camping locations to embark on and also ………… you ready for this …….. the F7.1 team are uniting as 1 in a location new to us all, we are invading the fantastic coastal area of the North East for what can only be described as potential carnage. And as always the adventures will be documented over on my YouTube channel.

(20) optical creator - YouTube

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Daniel Bennett Daniel Bennett

What will become of 2024

As the sun rises on a new dawn a new day and a new year I cant help but anticipate what this new chapter will bring for me and my photography.

As a landscape photographer, one of the most exciting aspects of the New Year is the opportunity to explore new places. There are many benefits to seeking out new locations. It can be inspirational, challenging, and deeply rewarding. For starters, exploring new locations can be a great source of inspiration. It can provide a fresh perspective and new ideas about the world around us. When you visit a new destination, you will find yourself surrounded by unfamiliar sights, sounds, smells, and textures. This can be an incredibly powerful way to unlock your creativity. Plus, you’ll be able to capture images of landscapes that are unique to that area, providing an interesting point of view to share with others. New locations can also be a great way to challenge yourself. When photographing a new location, you will be forced to think on your feet. You’ll have to quickly assess the area and decide which parts of the landscape will make the best photographs. Armed with my 2 wheels and my camera I plan on exploring these new found locations with a hint of anticipation and excitement of where I will end up this year. I expect there to be a lot of ups and downs, this unfortunately is inevitable. And this will all be documented over on my YouTube channel www.youtube.com/opticalcreator

With that all said lets hold on tight this might get a little bumpy at times ………… LETS GOOO!!!!!!!!

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Daniel Bennett Daniel Bennett

What a year 2023 was

As one chapter ends another is just around the corner

As the sun set on 2022, I made a resolution to embark on a transformative photography journey in the coming year. Little did I know that 2023 would be a year of incredible growth, exploration, and discovery through the lens of my camera. Join me as I document the highlights, challenges, and lessons learned during this unforgettable photographic adventure.

The journey began with introspection and goal-setting. I outlined the areas I wanted to explore. Armed with a newfound enthusiasm, I upgraded my gear, invested in essential accessories, and prepared myself for the challenges ahead. Experimenting with different settings allowed me to gain confidence and control over my camera, paving the way for more creative expression. The beauty of photography lies in its diversity, and I set out to explore various genres. From the tranquillity of landscapes to the vibrant energy of street photography, each genre offered unique challenges and rewards. One of the most enriching aspects of this journey was discovering inspiration in unexpected places. Nature, architecture, everyday life – all became sources of creative fuel. I learned to appreciate the beauty in the mundane and find unique perspectives in the most ordinary scenes. No journey is without its obstacles. Weather conditions, technical malfunctions, and creative blocks tested my resilience. However, each challenge became an opportunity for growth. Learning to adapt and problem-solve on the spot added a dynamic aspect to my photography experience. Photography is not a solitary pursuit; it's a shared passion. I immersed myself in online communities, and collaborated with fellow photographers. The exchange of ideas and feedback not only improved my skills but also fostered a sense of belonging in a community that shared my enthusiasm. Beyond the images captured, this journey became a reflection of personal growth. The patience cultivated while waiting for the perfect shot and the ability to find beauty in imperfections – all contributed to my evolving identity as a photographer and an individual. As the year draws to a close, my 2023 photography journey stands as a testament to the transformative power of pursuing a passion. From technical proficiency to creative exploration and personal growth, each chapter of this adventure has shaped me into a more skilled and mindful photographer. As I turn the page to a new year, my camera in hand, I am eager to continue this journey of capturing moments and telling stories through the art of photography.

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The end of an icon

The end of an icon


The date 28-9-23 for many people from walkers photographers and hikers alike will live long in our memory, and unfortunately not for a good reason.

In a heart-breaking act of criminal damage, as the night fell into darkness over the fields looking over Northumberland stood an iconic location for many photographers as myself this location named "The Sycamore Gap Tree" 

But this was no ordinary night as the night in question would leave shockwaves nationwide come sunrise. With complete and utter disregard for the beautiful area and location an individual or individual's took it upon themselves to change the landscape forever. In an act that can only be described as selfish, unthinkable and harrowing they had taken what can only be described as a chainsaw to this grand icon that had stood the test of time for many many years.

To some this is only a tree but to many this was an iconic, memorable stop off point while taking on the Hadrian's Wall Walk this provided a welcome shade and shelter the harsh unforgiving weather conditions had thrown at them until this point them as well as a bucket list location for many many photographers and sightseers from all over the world.

The land that we are graced to walk on and the views that we are privileged to witness in this area and much much more in the British isles have long been here way before the human species even existed and will be here when we all depart, we do not own this land we are mere visitors for a short time. We must preserve nature for generations after us to appreciate as our ancestors did for us. The Sycamore Gap Tree will long have roots firmly planted at its final destination and will be visited by many many more after this awful act but unfortunately the landscape will forever be tarnished by the evening events. 

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Guest User Guest User


It all begins with an idea.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

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Guest User Guest User


It all begins with an idea.

ACCEPTANCE AND RECOVERY,  7-10-23 Photographers Creative Block

As photographers, we often find ourselves in the depths of a creative block, searching for that elusive spark that once ignited our passion. It's a frustrating and disheartening experience that leaves us questioning our abilities and doubting our artistry. But here's the thing - creativity, like life itself, is an ebb and flow. It's a constant evolution of ideas and emotions, and sometimes it simply needs a moment to rest and recharge. We must accept that periods of stagnation are an inevitable part of the creative process. Instead of fighting against it, we should embrace these moments of stillness and use them as an opportunity for self-reflection. Take this time to reconnect with your own creative vision, to dig deep and unearth the essence of what drew you to photography in the first place. Ask yourself: What inspired me to pick up a camera? What stories do I want to tell through my photographs? What emotions do I want to evoke in my viewers? The answers may surprise you, revealing a path you hadn't yet explored or reminding you of forgotten passions. It's in this state of vulnerability and introspection that true growth happens. Recovering from a creative block is not about forcing yourself to produce work, but rather about nurturing yourself and your creativity. Engage in activities that bring you joy and ignite your curiosity. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who understand the struggles and triumphs of the artistic journey. Remember, creativity is not a race or a competition. It's a deeply personal and unique expression of who you are. Allow yourself the time and space to heal and recover. Trust in the process, trust in your own journey, and know that inspiration will return when the time is right.

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